
IBM watson chatbot for COVID-19 pandemic

What is the problem

"Barely an area left untouched by disinformation." -UN News.

With the world brought to its knees and country's are focused on fighting fear rampages homes globaly. This makes it a breading ground for disinformation it vary little is being done to combate this issue. Countries have been doing press releases to inform the public on updates but that tends to get 1. Misunderstandings from people who are presenting the info. This has been seen in some countries (😉 US of A i am looking at you) where there can be massive gaps of understanding with the person in charge of delivering this information to the people and the person they are relying on to do that. 2. Inexperience. While politicians could cater towards their agenda and the viewers emotions in times of need have been proven ineffective with this pandemic as people are starting to focus on the numbers more they just the word of a politician. With the focus on credible people has been found more effective in giving assurance to a large majority of viewers. 3. Too much or not enough vocabulary/ factual complexities in statements or speeches. Humans are unique creatures and don't fair well with one size fits all approaches and because each country only does one press conference a day for a few days. (please note that this is not directed towards anyone particular but world leaders a a whole)

Why IBM Watson Assistant

Watson Assistant is a conversation AI platform that helps you provide customers fast, straightforward and accurate answers to their questions, across any application, device or channel. By addressing common customer inquiries, Watson Assistant reduces the cost of customer interactions, helping your agents focus on complex use cases – not repetitive responses. Most chatbots try to mimic human interactions, frustrating customers when a misunderstanding arises. Watson Assistant is more than a chatbot. It knows when to search for an answer from a knowledge base, when to ask for clarity and when to direct users to a human. And since it can be deployed in any cloud or on-premises environment – smarter AI is finally available wherever you need it.

Why my solution

My solution solves these issues by allowing the user to conversate and direct spasifice questions without going through information that does not apply to them. By doing this also allows them to stay within their understanding level without overwhelming the audience with information. And because there can be a team updating the bot, inexperience is non-existent as developers can converse before releasing something to the public is done in a professional manner. Plus having the complex and powerfull IBM watson's NLP capabilatys provides the user with a vary user friendly and understanding chatbot.

You can try it youself out by clicking here.